Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Narcissism and a Poll.


I straightened my hair tonite and I'm wondering what you fine folks might think of it.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit 2:

How do you like my hair?
You don't really give a rat's ace?
You think I should shave my head and give it to "locks of love"?
Your mother.
Free polls from Pollhost.com


Di said...

I picked "rat's ace," not because I don't care, but because I like your hair either way! I think each style gives you a slightly different "look" -- and I like 'em both!

: )

-kylie- said...

Thanks, Di. :)

I can't believe "curly" is winning!... I'm really digging the straight hair rite now. Boo.


p.s. this blog is becoming very interactive. :)

luc u! said...

i voted for your mother because i have met her and i like her.

in truth they both look cute but if it takes you a bunch of extra time to straighten it then what's the point except on special straight occasions

Ian Dunn said...

I like the curly, but I think the straight is better.

bivester (bill ivester) said...

can't respond 'til i see you in person. curly has always looked good tho...

-kylie- said...

thanks for all the votes and comments, folks.

curly hair it is! haha.

bivester (bill ivester) said...

as i said, i like both but i think curly is the (R)(TM) of "her kylieness". it's "you".

Anonymous said...

I'd hit it.