Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Blah Blah Blah...

So, life can be quite overwhelming.

In the news: I'm digging the new apartment over here on Hazel Avenue.
It's so gloriously vintage! I'll try and get some pictures posted when I get my NEW DIGITAL CAMERA! :) (... kinda excited about that) I haven't been able to unpack everything just yet... Hopefully that will change this weekend.
Finals are this week... tonite's exam wasn't too bad... but the A & P final is a completely different story. Lots o' studying on the way.
My job at the park is ending in less than 2 weeks. So, I have to find something else... soon. I guess I'll start looking next week. I haven't had time to even think about it until, well... until after Thursday. :) So, we'll see. Wish me luck.

Previously, I had something "exciting" to post about, but that's over now. I'd started seeing a young fella about a month ago... but I just didn't feel like it was working out. He's a great guy, just not for me.

OtR's Xmas tour is kicking off... including the Taft show coming up very soon. I'm hoping for a magical nite. I'm excited.

So, there you go.

Life is crazy.

Also, if anyone in the area wants a free massage(tips accepted)... let me know. I'm trying to get the ball rolling. You know you wanna. ;)

I hope you're enjoying the frickin' freezing weather we're having!

I'll talk to you soon.
. . .


taliendo said...

Congrats on the new place, KJ!

Glad to hear that life is treating you well.

I am Z said...

i want a fricking free massage! :)


Anonymous said...

glad to hear you like the new place!

too bad i'm not closer, i'd love a massage de kylie.

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess you've taken or are taking the final right now. Break a leg, kid! Glad to hear about the new place and that you like it.

Anonymous said...

I'd love a massage. We live very close to each other ... I'll give a tip, can't be a huge one, but like 10 bucks? PM me on the orchard. I have a really ugly back. Good experience for you maybe?
Merry Christmas, neighbor.