Tuesday, November 09, 2004

sense of belonging

so, tonite I was invited to a small group thingy... "house church" is what they call it.

first off, it was held across the street from my new apartment. so it was cool saying, "yeah i'm moving in across the street in a month." :)

also, i didn't feel awkward at all. the folks who invited me, the ones i actually know their names, weren't there. normally in this type of situation, i sorta freeze up and become very backwards and shy. but i felt .... welcomed. and for the first time since i've been living in Cincinnati... i felt like i could call it "home" for the time being.... a very warm and much needed feeling. i cannot wait until i move into my apartment, and into that little community.

i don't want to whine or complain. but if anyone could send out some good vibes in the way of financial stresses... i'm all for it. i mean, i can live in my apartment w/o furniture, right? heh.

also, thanks to my dear friends who leave comments here. i don't always get the time to respond. but i appreciate the thoughts and the time you take to leave the message.

goodnite. and i miss you, whoever you are.


likearadio said...

furniture is overrated. even you can't afford any, you'll soon notice that you've somehow accumulated much too much of it.

just make sure you find something comfy to sleep on. the rest is icing. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm sending financial vibes in the general direction of Ohio...i wish i could just send money. If I actually had any, you know I'd give it to you.

But I'm glad things are working out. Just from reading this you sound happier already just being out of Indiana...so that's something. I'm really happy for you...love you k-dog.


Anonymous said...

that sounds wonderful. it's nice to feel comfortable at home which isn't always the case.

prayers in the fincial manner for you.


taliendo said...

I just wanted to write and say that I've been missing you too, KJ. (especially in this space here!)

Can't wait for the 11th to roll around. . .

and in the mean time, hope you're doing good and well!


Di said...

Kylie: Just wanted to send some of those good vibes you mentioned ... I remember when I was 22 years old and got my first apartment, in the way of furniture I had a twin bed (actually, it was my old bunk bed!) and 2 lawn chairs (not even the kind that would recline!). Oh, and I had my 12-inch black-and-white TV, too, which I sat on a milk crate.

Believe it or not, I look back on those days and smile.

: )

Take care, Kylie!

Di (Lynne from the Orchard)