Sunday, August 14, 2005

Word for the day: Suck.

Today sucked with a side of suck sauce.

I had to work, which was ok. But it's Sunday... I didn't want to work, I wanted to sleep in and watch a Lifetime movie and lay out. Bah.
And then, my laptop stopped working. I hope I can fix it. I love that thing.
I thought I was gonna get to actually dress up a bit, and go on a date. Well, I waited. And waited. He never called or anything. Jerk. Why ask me out? Why pursue me if you're just gonna be completely rude and waste my time?
And then... I had a "friend" tell me he doesn't want to talk to me anymore. That took the cake. I cried. And that sucked. I hate crying when the other person doesn't deserve the energy. I wish I could write people off the way they write me off.
Basically, everyone leaves. That seems to be the trend. Not feeling sorry for myself, not pushing "guilt". Just sayin'.

So yeah.

today+ men - my laptop = sucky

I'm out.


Anonymous said...

sorry, kj. if i were there, i'd let you scream/cuss/throw things (not directly at me) as much as you'd like. i hate feeling like that. know that you're worth pursuing.

Ian Dunn said...

What's wrong w/ your laptop? (I do tech support for a living, so I might be able to help)

Di said...

Chin up, Kylie. You are a wonderful person, and for anyone who could "write you off": Their loss.

: )

Played any tennis lately? It always helps clear my mind ... and even when it doesn't, sometimes my game sucks so badly (in keeping with your "Today Sucks" theme!) that it gives me something else to think about!

: )

I am Z said...

sorry stuff has been so bad lately but you still have AIRY!!!!! four legged men are the best!

wish i was there --- or you here to make a bear and bitching run. :)


Anonymous said...

I'll give you hot news from the automotive lending lending industry, you idiotic spamotic son of a f**k!! I'll show you suck!!! (Sorry, Kylie ... I know I'm yelling at a robotic spammer, but I was trying to be heroic). Here's to better days, kiddo. We're neighbors. I'm in Hyde Park. But don't fear. I live in the "bad building" on our street. We're comrades.

-kylie- said...

I love all of you guys... except for you, miqu0kpfr82jvup... you're a nazi bastid! anyhoo, thank you so much for reading and posting on my journal.

Oh, Di... no, I haven't played tennis since June. Boo. I really need to get out and hit some!